Wd tv live hub alternatives

Bad form? Perhaps.  But I am not asking for competitors products - I am asking on alternatives. It could be a new WD product, in theory. 

Also, having been a part of this forum for over a year, I think it is fair to say that I know a little of the strengths and weaknesses of this product - and since WD is not taking this forum seriously anyway (take a look at the FIRMWARE or IDEAS section of this community) I would like to discuss a fair topic with fellow media-streamers…

I have no intention of bashing the product, but 18 months has passed, and pretty much every firmware has been a disaster. Personally I am still on 2.03.24, which is the only on that works (almost) flawless for me. It’s a great product with horrible support and development!

…also, I am undecided, so I might go for another Live Hub…