WD False Advertising / at least misleading

A lot of people have posted that their not happy with the transfer rates, it is just my opinion but it would seem that software has a limit on the overall speed and no matter what other things that may contribute to any speed issues you will have limits that will keep this slow. Again this is my opinion and I have no technical info to validate this.

Speed has been reduced so it would work better when there are more then one connection watching something from the hub…This would keep them from implementing some sort of load balancing that would equal out when there are more connections trying to watch or listen to something.

Another option would to setup a method that would stop any viewing when new files are being copied or a backup is being preformed, this could be with a permission that only the adman would have and would allow faster transfers to or from the system. Still remember that nothing could be watched or listened to while this process is running.

The other thing I see is that WD has a limit to how much time they can put into this project unless they are making enough money from sales to justify the work. I cannot see them putting any more time unless there will be a profit.

I will just keep using what I have and hope that some day they will patch to address the speed issues.