TMDB Meta Data no longer works for internal WDTV movie search

Yes, the firmware update fixed the TMDB search function. Getting thumbs just fine.

Everything seems to be working except now when I delete a movie or TV episode it displays “getting content info” for about 10 minutes as it deletes and refreshes the show or movie list. In the older firmware 3.05.10 the “get content info” only displayed for about 10 - 30 seconds after making a deletion.  I have the library function for search configured to “autoscan in standby only” so the only thing triggering the long scan is the file deletion.  Navigation to anything else while the unit is doing its content info scan is near impossible.  The deleted show and movie were also on the Live hub’s internal harddrive so there was no network drives involved.

I just have to remember not to delete a show if I want to start watching something else right away.  I will revisit the configuration settings and do some experimenting.  I believe that WD changed the way the library reads network drives improving the ability to refresh the info more automatically and to “rescan” correctly.  However a simple deletion from the internal drive should not send it out to every drive to refresh all the media - if that is what it is doing.

If not for the TMDB issue I would not have updated the firmware. Oh well,  I guess you can’t have everything … where would you put it? - LOL