Slow Motion and Frame Advance missing?

I have just realized that the subject header “Re: JUMP 10 SEC FORWARD, 30 SEC FORWARD…” relates to a different thread. I originally posted my message in that thread, but it was moved here by an administrator including the subject line that isn’t really appropriate to my post. So I’ll edit it now.

I don’t know much about the technical stuff.

I just know that I have had slow motion and frame advance on every video playback device I can remember:

My current PVR, DVD player, and PS3. Even most of my VCRs (I’m old) had these features. So here we are in 2011 with the Latest Cool Toy, and I’m surprised that it’s missing that’s all.

If I’m told I can’t have them for whatever reason, I accept that. I’m sure someday these features will be added. :smiley: