Live Hub and HDMI 1.4

TonyPh12345 wrote:

I don’t think 1.4 is required for 3D…  My brand new 3D TV is only HDMI 1.3, unless the specs online are wrong.


I think the spec out of 1.4 is just a marketing gimmick…  Like the Gig-E interface which can barely manage 100 meg… :slight_smile:

You need at least 1.4 for 3D with 1.4a adding more 3D formats specially for broadcast.  I personally do not care for ethernet connectivity in 1.4 or the audio return channel in 1.4 or 1.4a.  Your TV got to be 1.4.  I wish WD would explain their extent of support for 1.4 instead of finding it in some other review as another poster had noticed.  I am still studying the features of the new Live Hub.  I have three Live Plus units at my place in different rooms and all connected via ethernet.  The Live Plus units are simply amazing.  But I still do  not see the advantage of the Live Hub specially with Google TV coming up. Hmmm too many decisions to make :slight_smile: