External Drives

s tand is there such a thing as an external drive with it’s own USB ports?

Like an external hard drive that has 2 USB ports in the back, so you can add a drive to that drive?

Do they make anything like that?

That would allow me to plug my External Hard Drive into my HUB, and then plug another external Hard drive into the back of my external hard drive connected to my hub

I’ll try and draw a picture of what i’m talking about

[_____] = external drive

----------  = USB wires connecting them

(_____) = WD TV LIVE HUB

   External Drive         usb cable   External Drive             USB Cable          WD  HUB

[_______________] --------- [__________________] -------------- (________________)

This is my picture of an external hard drive, connected to another external hard drive, connected to the hub

Does any company market a product like that, and if they do, would the other hard drive be recognized by the hub/