Dont forget to defrag!

As it appears WD is no longer putting out updates to help out, I just wanted to take a moment to encourage everyone to take apart their Hub, blow out the dust, hook up the hard drive to a computer and run a defrag.

I set my program up to ignore my 1GB+ files (all my HD movies) and so its only working on my TV shows. It was at 58% fragmentation level.


Thank you for sharing this with us. Just remember that opening a WD TV Live Hub will void its warranty.

Well considering you guys never put out a tool to do this work and clean up the device, mine became nearly unusable with 4+ minute startup times and 2+ minute startup times per video.

So thank you for no longer supporting your device.

I had the same problem…long waits. I handled it a bit differently but does the same thing and MIGHT be quicker.


Hooked it up to PC on USB adapter

Backed up all my media and theme data

Used Windows Disk Management to delete ALL partitions

Put the drive back in the HUb with NOTHING on it

Told the Hub to format the disk

Then I put it back on the USB and restored all my media and theme data

Then I put it back in the Hub


Just like new! :wink:


Wow, that sure sounds like a lot of hassle, when it happens to mine, I’ll just throw it away and never buy another WD product again. 

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stew181 wrote:

Wow, that sure sounds like a lot of hassle, when it happens to mine, I’ll just throw it away and never buy another WD product again. 

Hey, your choice! You could simply leave it in the Hub, back it up and then use the format command as well. Same thing. But yeah, go ahead and toss it in the trash if that’s your desire. You paid for it.


I would buy a new hard drive for mine because I love it and WD!



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giveen wrote:

Well considering you guys never put out a tool to do this work and clean up the device, mine became nearly unusable with 4+ minute startup times and 2+ minute startup times per video.


So thank you for no longer supporting your device.

Reading this post, i thought i would test my Boot Time and and Video Playback start … so, my setup is

  • WDTV Live Hub
  • 3 Years Old
  • Case never been opened / internal hdd never removed / never defragged
  • Have moved / copied / deleted many, many GIGS over the years
  • Running Firmware 2.07.17
  • Media Library On
  • Video Output Manually Set  (Resolution,Color Space… No Auto HMDI settings used)

From complete Power Off Status   … Boot Time    = 1 min 45 seconds

Selecting a Movie / Video to playPress “OK” = 2 second delay before playback begins

That’s basically how it’s been for 3 years … have never experienced 4 min boot times or having to wait  2 mins for video playback to start ?

and yeah, (as flhthemi said) i too, love my WD as well :smiley:

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Please What Os are you running ? I’m running windows 7 ultimate x86 and when i tried this it said it needed to format my drive any help is appreciated.