Cannot Login To YouTube

Rich -

I do appreciate your help, but that link amounts to a WD statement saying that this isn’t a WD problem and then relegates one to a Google page with dozens of options and possible paths down multiple decision trees with ultra helpful bits of wisdom like, “How to reset your password” and making sure caps lock is off.

If one’s gmail account and YouTube account predate 2009 then they cannot be unlinked.  I validated this after loggin into my YouTube account.

So that’s it?  That’s the fix?  Go create an unnecessary YouTube account?  Besides the two liabilities I listed above, this also negates using Google checkout.  At best this is an awkward and  cumbersome workaround.

I did try and follow directions and submitted a problem report to Google from the link, but I am not optomistic of a fix.  I do a little Android dev on the side and unless Jesus, Allah and the Buddah himself are affected remediation tends to be slow.

Don’t take the cynicism as being unappreciative.  It’s just that my gut tells me I’m miles away from root cause and light years away from a customer aceptable fix.
