Permanent Lip Sync

Since I can’t post to the original topic (,,) I open a new thread on this.

Please add a setting to the firmware that _permanently_ applies an audio delay.

I can set a permanent delay on my amplifier, but unfortunately, this is then applied to all inputs, not only to the one the WDTV is connected to and therefore this is not an option.

Unfortunately no other services and features are been implemented on this player since the last firmware has already been released.

That **bleep**. Will it be implemented on the WD live play?

john from wd
are you saying that 1.06.43 is the final firmware for the wd tv live ?

juju_1337 wrote:
That **bleep**. Will it be implemented on the WD live play?

Not sure yet, you might want to check the WD Play forum.

videoninja wrote:

john from wd
are you saying that 1.06.43 is the final firmware for the wd tv live ?



Not necessarily since it could get updates if any issues arise.

However, the adding of services and implementations of features seems to be leaning towards the newer devices.

John012 wrote:

Not necessarily since it could get updates if any issues arise.

If? Someone hasn’t been paying attention.

Techflaws wrote:

John012 wrote:

Not necessarily since it could get updates if any issues arise.

If? Someone hasn’t been paying attention.

Exactly what I was thinking!