New Release - WDTV Live Plus Firmware Version 1.06.34_B (9/24/12)

Apart from the AutoPlay issue already discussed…  (option of death - you get the spinning Blue Circle of Eternity)

The Option-Subtitle menu seem to be fixed.  Now when I press Option-Subtitle, the language ID (1. English…) now appears just below the Option Choice (instead of occasionally on the far left and occasionally gone off screen.)    But along with the AutoPlay issue, there is another significant bug…

As I play different ISO-DVD, it got slower and slower to start.  My first started within seconds, then the wait grew to 30 seconds (with nothing but a blank screen), then it got to multiple MINUTES before the DVD starts.  (This was not from fresh boot, I played NetFlix in-between testing various DVD’s).

Overall, if the two deadly bugs are fixed (autoplay, growing delays), this firmware is not bad - I like it over the 1.04.31B which I have been sticking with.  BUT, without the two deadly bugs fixed, this firmware is not useable.