New Release - Firmware Version 1.04.22_B for WD TV Live Plus (3/8/11)

I still do not understand the logic of HDMI Auto. It goes into the lowest HD resolution of the TV, 720p.

Most of the TVs today are 1080p60 with native panels 1920x1080.

If in HDMI Auto, which means 720p, I play a video file 1080p24, the WD TV Live Plus switches to 1080p24.

When you stop play on the file, it goes back to 720p.

But if I play a file 1080i60, the WD TV still stays in 720p, doing wonderful DOWNCONVERSION.

Why not WD TV Live in HDMI Auto does not go to the highest resolution of the TV, 1080p60 in my case?

Then it can switch to 1080p24 for video files with 24 frames/second.

But for other files, let’s just use 1080p60, the WD TV Live Plus does a very good UPconversion.

This HDMI Auto logic is the same since the first WD TV HD.

Development team at WD TV, buy a Blu-RAY player, connect it to a TV and see how HDMI Auto should work!

Thank you.