Bugs in Firmware Version 1.04.10_V -- Summary only

I want to thank kraemer_sg and the other posters in this thread for helping to organize the list of issues that people are having. I hope that in the future, people will follow your lead.

This thread has been a valuable source of information and has helped the wd team focus on the issues that mean the most to our users.

I’ve come up with a suggestion for a slightly different format that would make it easier to prioritze issues, and lets users “vote” for problems that they are also having.

It goes something like this:

Category - Description of issue

[one X per user having the problem]

For example:

Network - My wireless network doesn’t connect when I’m 5 miles away

Feature request - it would be neat if the WDTV dispensed soft serve ice cream

Playback - WDTV won’t play my vinyl records

Once again, thank you for your feedback.