Where can i find older software for HD MEDIA PLAYER (Gen1)?

I found these online, after a brief search:

To get the device to install an older firmware than what you currently have on it, after you unzip the firmware package you’ll need to edit the _ wdtv.ver _ file in Notepad.

You say you currently have 1.03.01 installed.  Therefore, if you want to install 1.02.07 (as an example), you’d need to unzip the 1.02.07 package, and edit the wdtv.ver file to something higher than 1.03.01.

For example, change:


and then re-save the file, replacing the old one.

When the Firmware files are now installed on the root of an attached USB device, your WDTV will peek at the .ver file, and see that the firmware files are “newer” than what you currently have installed, and it will come up with the “New Firmware Found… Do you want to install it?” thing.

Once you have changed the firmware, you will want to remove the update files from your USB device, or else it will keep telling you that it has found new firmware.