Supporting Unicode UTF-8 for subtitle

I have many movies in my collection that have Vietnamese subtitle in unicode.  The problem is my WD TV (1st gen) can’t display these font correctly and most of the time drop off those characters that it doesn’t know which make it hard to follow the movie.

Is it possible if we can have Unicode support in the next firmware release?

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Your post sounds more like an Idea or a Feature Request. The best place for this is in our Ideas Lab. This way someone from WD will be sure to see it. However, I would search first and make sure that there isn’t another idea similar to yours that you could add your post to and vote on.

Ideas Lab

I love wdtv live much more than the others come from korea, china, hongkong, taiwan…

But in my country, subtitle is the most interested when it’s in SRT format. Unfornately WDtive live is now not supported UTF-8, Unicode encoding.

I hope it will be supported in the next releases…1.03.36 for example! Thank you.

New request was added, hope to be servered soon.


Thank WD and good luck.