Compatibility issues with the My Book Essential 3 TB and the WD TV HD Media Player (Gen 2)?

If I recall correctly, the Live is older than the Gen2, which confuses me as to why WD would support the Live and not the Gen2. Probably sales numbers or something I’d imagine.

WD, you’ve lost a lot of customers over this “too many devices in such a short time that we can’t possibly support them all”. I’m not just talking about lost customers in the media player space only. It’s the hard drive space as well. I like many others have sworn off WD products altogether based on my experience with customer support. I’m sure that was never factored in when you decided that the numbers didn’t make sense to continue supporting something that’s barely been out a year. Customer support like this will leave you with no customers in the end. You put yourselves in the situation of having released like 7 devices in just over 2 years. Now man up and take responsibility, darn it!!!