Win 7 Pro Dell XPS Documents are not being saved

How do I get my WD to save my documetments and libraries.  I have checked inside smartware.swstor and they are not there… I have looked and looked for them and can not find them. I can see then in a search so they are there somewhere. Why can I see other files off the C:\ main directory but not my documents… I just want to be sure they are all there. The reason for my unease is that not all of them can be found… at least when I search and wait a LONG time.

HELP!! - Thanks


You can try changing to “file Backup”. Check page #45 of the WD Smartware user’s manual.

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That was the first thing I did as the software was first set for catigory… Much better now.  I will download the manual PDF and give it a good read…  I had another drive prior to this that saved everything in the clear. I guess this one saves the documents ion a different format that I can not just open on the drive and look at. Thanks