Smartware won't install

I’ve recently refreshed my laptop that’s running windows 8.1. I had to erase the contents of my WD Passport Ultra as I’d forgotten the passport so I no longer have WDsmartware on my laptop or on my Passport so I went on the site to download it so I can back up my laptop.

The problem is when I run the installer it gets all the way to the end then when it says:

Installing Smartware


Starting Services

it stops then comes up with the message:

Service ‘WD Drive Manager’ (WDDriveSeervice) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privelages to start system services.

I click on OK, then it says:

Installing Smartware



The installer then finishes but when I click finish the SmartWare hasn’t installed.

Can anybody help me install it please?

Hi and welcome to the community. Try to download the Smartware instalation again, if the problem continues be sure to have the Microsoft  .Net 4 framework update. Click on the links below.

Update the WD SmartWare Software

Click here to download the Microsoft .NET 4 Framework updater