Smartware 'settings' tab grayed/ghosted out


I have about 5 Passports. I have just bought a second 1TB drive for this computer.

I have latest Smartware, I have deinstalled/reinstalled multiple times with reboots, etc etc

Windows 7, 32 bit, SP1

The problem is that for “My Passport Essential” – I have a functioning “Settings” tab.

For “My Passport” – it is grayed or ghosted out.

I have turned on security using the Security App, but I cannot manipulate the settings from Smartware (1.6.4).

Any ideas welcome. Drive has been upgraded to latest firmware and seems to work fine.

I like WD drives, but this one has given me real trouble (not helped by Smartware).


Is this only happening with the new passport? If so, disable the security and test the unit again to see if stills the same with the settings tab.