SSH - Root access


I just got my live book and am having similar issues. I enabled SSH, downloaded putty and WinSCP and am not able to log into either root or admin though either of those programs. I am able to connect to mylive book through the normal GUI and even connect to it through putty but whenever I try to enter a password I get ‘Access Denied.’ I have been through ever single forum about enabling ssh and root for mybook, nothing will work for me. I have even tried to connect to mybook by creating a non-root account and cannot access it this way either. The only way I can access it is through the WD GUI. What am I missing? I know what the password is…i know my admin account creds and cant access anything via putty or winscp. There has to be something that is causing this issue, especially since putty can see and connect to the mybook, it just cant verify the password. Any help would be amazing because I might take this thing back if I cant get root on it.


2012-05-25 13:46:04 Looking up host “”
2012-05-25 13:46:04 Connecting to port 22
2012-05-25 13:46:04 Server version: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-5
2012-05-25 13:46:04 Using SSH protocol version 2
2012-05-25 13:46:04 We claim version: SSH-2.0-PuTTY_Release_0.62
2012-05-25 13:46:04 Doing Diffie-Hellman group exchange
2012-05-25 13:46:04 Doing Diffie-Hellman key exchange with hash SHA-256
2012-05-25 13:46:06 Host key fingerprint is:
2012-05-25 13:46:06 ssh-rsa 2048 88:c0:9b:a4:f7:4b:b6:09:f3:f2:89:8c:c0:e9:86:97
2012-05-25 13:46:06 Initialised AES-256 SDCTR client->server encryption
2012-05-25 13:46:06 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 client->server MAC algorithm
2012-05-25 13:46:06 Initialised AES-256 SDCTR server->client encryption
2012-05-25 13:46:06 Initialised HMAC-SHA1 server->client MAC algorithm
2012-05-25 13:46:51 Sent password
2012-05-25 13:46:53 Password authentication failed
2012-05-25 13:47:21 Sent password
2012-05-25 13:47:23 Password authentication failed
2012-05-25 13:47:26 Sent password
2012-05-25 13:47:29 Password authentication failed
2012-05-25 13:47:33 Sent password
2012-05-25 13:47:35 Password authentication failed
2012-05-25 13:48:04 Server unexpectedly closed network connection

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