Unable to get login on cloud for new user

tnynyn wrote:

Did the user verify their account?  When you create a cloud account for a user, it sends an email to that user to verify the account and change the password.

Yes, they receive the email, they click the link in the email which takes them to the My Cloud login page.  They enter the email and password and get an error stating that the email/password is invalid.   On my home network, I try to log in as the user, I get invalid username/password error.  When I log in as myself (I’m the initial user), I can see the other users that I created, their email, username, password are all set, I can resend their My Cloud invitation, but their logins never work, either locally or on the website. 

I’m not sure why I have to keep describing this over and over.  The only login for the MyCloud device that works is the one that is created when the drive is initialized.  No additional users EVER WORK, not locally, not over the web.  They receive the email invitations but that’s it, they are never able to log in because they get invalid email/password errors.