Super high load averages - all the time

Hello - While trying to setup CrashPlan on the drive I noticed super slulggish performance when in the CLI…

from the very first step. It literally takes up to a half an hour to run. Load averages are always relatively at the numbers below

load average: 14.44, 15.85, 15.42

Top processes always seem to be the following:

top - 12:57:27 up 2:03, 2 users, load average: 13.64, 14.15, 14.83
Tasks: 102 total, 2 running, 100 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 55.0 us, 12.0 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 29.1 wa, 0.0 hi, 4.0 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 230560 total, 184848 used, 45712 free, 1224 buffers
KiB Swap: 500732 total, 43820 used, 456912 free, 79904 cached

 7496 root 20 0 55612 22m 980 S 85.6 10.0 50:36.20 twonkyserver                 
25255 www-data 20 0 63400 10m 5260 D 18.4 4.5 0:16.01 apache2                      
25737 www-data 20 0 63400 11m 5924 D 15.1 4.9 0:08.70 apache2                      
25310 www-data 20 0 63400 10m 5924 S 5.9 4.8 0:13.45 apache2                      
26204 www-data 20 0 63400 11m 6596 D 4.6 5.2 0:02.88 apache2                      
20000 nobody 20 0 9124 1984 1284 D 2.6 0.9 2:06.10 smbd                         
18759 root 20 0 36056 3892 812 S 2.0 1.7 8:22.57 wdmcserver                   
 2205 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 1.0 0.0 0:44.65 pfe_ctrl_time

top - 12:58:14 up 2:04, 2 users, load average: 14.40, 14.24, 14.83
Tasks: 106 total, 1 running, 105 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 55.0 us, 15.6 sy, 0.2 ni, 11.9 id, 15.4 wa, 0.0 hi, 1.8 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 230560 total, 184980 used, 45580 free, 1304 buffers
KiB Swap: 500732 total, 43468 used, 457264 free, 76956 cached

26251 www-data 20 0 63400 10m 5628 D 28.2 4.8 0:07.88 apache2
20000 nobody 20 0 9124 1976 1276 D 5.6 0.9 2:07.76 smbd
20716 iamlenny 20 0 8808 1140 948 D 5.6 0.5 0:02.67 smbd
25737 www-data 20 0 63400 10m 5380 D 5.6 4.7 0:11.90 apache2
26204 www-data 20 0 63400 11m 6044 D 5.6 4.9 0:06.44 apache2
    3 root 20 0 0 0 0 D 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 cpu1_hotplug_th
  278 root 20 0 0 0 0 D 0.0 0.0 0:41.77 kswapd0
  371 root -2 0 0 0 0 D 0.0 0.0 0:04.92 btn_t
 2205 root 20 0 0 0 0 D 0.0 0.0 0:45.09 pfe_ctrl_timer
25255 www-data 20 0 63400 9.9m 5136 D 0.0 4.4 0:18.57 apache2
25310 www-data 20 0 63400 10m 5364 D 0.0 4.5 0:16.51 apache2
26575 www-data 20 0 62612 10m 5500 D 0.0 4.7 0:02.63 apache2
26725 root 20 0 2704 1216 952 D 0.0 0.5 0:00.04 sudo
26726 root 20 0 2704 1216 952 D 0.0 0.5 0:00.05 sudo
26727 root 20 0 2704 1216 952 D 0.0 0.5 0:00.04 sudo
Total status D: 15

Seems to serve up movies just fine without any issues, but working in the cli is painful. 

Any ideas?

Hi, what firmware version you have? 

Ichigo wrote:

Hi, what firmware version you have? 

Hi - I’m running v03.04.01-219

Today the loads are somewhat down, but I’m sure that as soon as I start moving and playing files, it will ramp up to the numbers in my post above. From what I’ve been reading, this is not normal.

Ichigo any advice?

Here are loads right now…

top - 09:20:33 up 2 days, 16:20, 2 users, load average: 6.72, 6.79, 6.85
Tasks: 95 total, 3 running, 92 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 10.8 us, 7.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 0.0 id, 80.2 wa, 0.0 hi, 1.7 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 230560 total, 184924 used, 45636 free, 6184 buffers
KiB Swap: 500732 total, 75352 used, 425380 free, 78000 cached

 6058 root 20 0 41300 4040 732 S 20.5 1.8 353:02.62 wdphotodbmerger              
 6162 iamlenny 20 0 16124 7976 7120 D 8.6 3.5 189:13.63 smbd                         
 5971 root 20 0 37656 5056 956 S 4.0 2.2 580:59.21 wdmcserver                   
31069 root 20 0 2664 660 372 R 1.0 0.3 10:38.44 top                          
 5940 root 20 0 77644 35m 792 S 0.7 15.9 1005:34 twonkyserver                 
    4 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 0.3 0.0 16:26.92 ksoftirqd/0                  
    9 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.3 0.0 0:34.42 kworker/1:0                  
   10 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.3 0.0 11:01.31 ksoftirqd/1                  
  278 root 20 0 0 0 0 D 0.3 0.0 25:49.40 kswapd0                      
 2202 root 20 0 0 0 0 R 0.3 0.0 25:39.68 pfe_ctrl_timer               
    1 root 20 0 1688 52 36 S 0.0 0.0 0:16.83 init

NYTerabyte wrote:

Today the loads are somewhat down, but I’m sure that as soon as I start moving and playing files, it will ramp up to the numbers in my post above. From what I’ve been reading, this is not normal.

I’m not sure where you’re reading that it’s abnormal, because given what you’re showing, it’s completely normal.

In your TOP report, the most active processes are:

wdphotodbmerger   –   The Photos database used by WD Photos is being scanned, recompiled, updated

wdmcserver - Part of the My Cloud remote access updates – possibly generating thumbnails, etc.

smbd – Samba daemon;  you’re reading / writing to a share.

As you can see, the report says it’s 80% “waiting,” as all of those processes are very I/O intensive, and they’re spending a lot of time just waiting for access to the disk.

Hi Tony - I guess I was hoping my earlier posts got some attention. What causes twonkyserver to be so busy? I agree that the current loads are normal. 

Any time ANY file is added or changed on ANY share on which Twonky is enabled, twonkyserver will start re-indexing its database.

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There you have it :slight_smile: and I’ve been moving files and things fairly frequent since purchasing the hard drive.

Thanks Tony.