Semi-advanced [Guide] to getting a running start setting up My Cloud device

 I read the reviews.  “This is absolutely terrible and slow,” is how most ended.  I came to this support forum and saw the same ridiculous claims, issues, and “solutions.”  So I bought it anyway because there isn’t really anything else out there that accomplished what this does, in this price range.  So is this device as bad as people make it out?  No.

Writing this to cut through the BS and help people get up and running quickly by putting all the relevant info in one place.

4TB My Cloud

v4 Firmware


Large, local networked attached storage with SMB (windows sharing), NFS, FTP, and DLNA (streaming) support for personal files/media and ocassional backups.  Real world speeds for wired gigabit are as follows:

SMB - 18MB/s average (never higher than 25MB/s–ever)

NFS - 95MB/s average (50MB/s - 110MB/s)

If the above speeds are unaccepatable (wireless will be worse), return the MY Cloud.

If you expect anything else including remote access, smartphone support, itunes, etc, return the MY Cloud.


Some basic knownledge of computers and networking is required or adjust your expecations.

  1. You will need to SSH into the drive to “fix” certain issues.
  2. All the routers, switches, hubs, computers, etc should have GIGABIT (10/100/1000) networking cababilities.

If you do not have gigabit support for all wired connections, return the MY Cloud.

Basic Setup

1. Plug in device and connect it up.  Device will be located: http://wdmycloud.local2. Create a WDMycloud account and login.  (can’t skip it; you will disable this in the very next step)

  1. Settings
  • Settings → General    

Disable “Cloud Access”  (sorry I don’t trust WD to expose this cloud to the internet securely)   

Disable “Mac Backups”

  • Settings → Network

Now is a good time to set a static IP address    

Turn SSH on and agree to the warning.  USERNAME: root   PASSWORD: welc0me     (yes, that is a zero)

  • Settings →   Media    

Disable Media Streaming    

Disable Itunes streaming

  • Settings → Firmware

Disable Auto updates

  1. Setup users and “shares”/folders.  Turn off media scanning.

  2. Transfer over your data over the network or USB

  3. Done.

DLNA (Twonky) Setup

“Fixing” DLNA so the drive doesn’t slow down.  Use a terminal window in linux or Putty in Windows.

  1. SSH to Mycloud using the user/pass from before. 

            $ crontab -e
2. Once the text editor opens up use the arrow keys and enter the following lines exactly as written as new lines at the bottom:
@reboot  /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop
@reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop


# Edit this file to introduce tasks to be run by cron.
# Each task to run has to be defined through a single line
# indicating with different fields when the task will be run
# and what command to run for the task
# To define the time you can provide concrete values for
# minute (m), hour (h), day of month (dom), month (mon),
# and day of week (dow) or use '*' in these fields (for 'any').#
# Notice that tasks will be started based on the cron's system
# daemon's notion of time and timezones.
# Output of the crontab jobs (including errors) is sent through
# email to the user the crontab file belongs to (unless redirected).
# For example, you can run a backup of all your user accounts
# at 5 a.m every week with:
# 0 5 * * 1 tar -zcf /var/backups/home.tgz /home/
# For more information see the manual pages of crontab(5) and cron(8)
# m h dom mon dow command
@reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop
@reboot /bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop

More information:

3.  Press ctrl+x → Y → ENTER  (This saves the file and closes the text file)

These two services will bog the drive down once DLNA is enabled.  They index files and create thumbnails.  They are completely pointless and kill performance.

  1. Return to the MYCLOUD GUI to turn on DLNA scanning
  • Settings →   Media

Enable Media Streaming

  1. Twonky is the name of the DLNA server.  You will notice that is has started running.  It may take a a while to scan your media.  Wait for it to finish.

6.Twonky settings

http://wdmycloud.local:9000 or the IP address you picked early with the “:9000” port part added on.

You can change scanning intervals and how your media is presented.  Settings may change when firmware or the main MYCLOUD GUI settings are channged.


I don’t trust this device to do automated backups.  I would just plug in a USB hard drive of equal size and sync that way.

What the $@$! is my drive doing?

If the drive getting slow or unresponsive when transfering/streaming/etc, this is how you diagnose what is causing it.

  1. SSH to the drive using terminal or Putty in windows

  2. $ top

  3. Once top is running you can see what is running and eating the most CPU.  The two services you killed above should not be seen. 

  4. Press Q key to exit.

Bonus: XBMC NFS export fix for blank media directories:

  1. SSH to drive

     $ nano /etc/exports

Add to new empty line at bottom:


Obviously change to where your media directory is and if different IP address.

  1. Reboot drive through GUI.

Hello and welcome to the WD community.

Thank you very much for sharing this, hopefully some users will find good use for this guide.

SMB - 18MB/s average (never higher than 25MB/s–ever)

I get 60MB/s R/W using Samba.

JAC70 wrote:

SMB - 18MB/s average (never higher than 25MB/s–ever)


I get 60MB/s R/W using Samba.

Looking around at reviews and first hand experience, 60MB/s is very high for SMB on these drives for whatever reason.  It’s not a deal breaker with NFS working as fast as it does all the time, every time so I haven’t really investigated if it’s a bug or not.

Im running FW 3.x.

I have two 3TB wd cloud drives.I easily get consistent 58MB write and over 65MB+ read over SMB.

I tried NFS today and i got 18MB.sec… Funny how its the opposite for me.

By the way how is anyone mapping a NFS drive in windows, if at all. im guessing most that use NFS are doing it from a linux machine.

alirz1 wrote:

Im running FW 3.x.

I have two 3TB wd cloud drives.I easily get consistent 58MB write and over 65MB+ read over SMB.

I tried NFS today and i got 18MB.sec… Funny how its the opposite for me.


By the way how is anyone mapping a NFS drive in windows, if at all. im guessing most that use NFS are doing it from a linux machine.

Looks like you have to install NFS client but conflicting reports that only Ultimate Edition/Enterprise Edition work.  Seems like all should be able to do it as I believe technet over the other sites.  Seems command line, batch file (running the command line), or just mapping the network drive all work.

Yes, I’m using linux.  Could be a kernel or SAMBA bug.  Like I said, NFS maxes out the gigabit connection and that is beyond my expectations for this device.  I can’t even find reviews that hit these speeds.  I do think there may be validity to the claims that WD puts/has put different drives in these i.e. GREEN vs RED.

Yeh I had used Windows NFS client ( only available in the ultimate Windows version) and as I said, I got terrible performance, whereas in the past I once tired nfs with Ubuntu with this drive and it was indeed a lot faster.

SMB performance has gotten worse.  25MB/s write is now a pipe dream to achieve.  18MB/s is now peak with 10MB/s average.  Reading has gotten worse to the point it took 2 hours to update XMBC library.  NFS took <20 seconds.

NFS and DLNA are still working amazing.  If you are windows/SMB only, just give up on the MYcloud.

Thanks for an informative post. I too read negative review and posts here, but I also purchased MC (3 TB) because I have 5 computers, 2 iPhones and really needed a robust backup station. So far I’ve been mostly pleased.

Would you mind elaborating on the disable Mac Backups? One of my computers is a Mac Book Pro and I’m hoping to connect it and use TimeMachine.

I’d like to add that the first backups will probably take longer than subsequent.

Do you have a suggested economical method to enable internet access and completely disable WD authentication services. I have reservations about WD security for the masses. I’m pretty certain that they have good infosec practices and policies in place for THEIR own enterprise, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to the rest of us!

2 of my computers are Linux based- I was able to access and manage MC using Firefox - really straight forward. Using smb I was able to back up to a new share.



“Real” samba’s read speed (From WDMC to Win7 PC)

Samba v3, default config: 25-30MBps

Samba v3 after some tuning: 30-35MBps

Samba v4 (from wheezy-backports), default config: 40-45MBps

Samba v4 (from sid/jessie/stable) + Tuning: 40-60MBps

Samba v4 + WD/Comcerto patch + Tuning: 50-80MBps (Average speed @ v3 fw)

Samba v4 + WD/Comcerto path + Tuning + Non standart “PageSize 64kb”: 80-100MBps (Average speed @ v4 fw)

Client PC: Clean Windows 7 Pro x64, SP-1. Core i3 3240, 4GB DDR-3, Intel SSD 350series

* Upload speed = from 1/2 to 1/3 of download speed.

PJPfeiffer wrote:

Would you mind elaborating on the disable Mac Backups? One of my computers is a Mac Book Pro and I’m hoping to connect it and use TimeMachine.


I’d like to add that the first backups will probably take longer than subsequent.


Do you have a suggested economical method to enable internet access and completely disable WD authentication services. I have reservations about WD security for the masses. I’m pretty certain that they have good infosec practices and policies in place for THEIR own enterprise, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to the rest of us!


2 of my computers are Linux based- I was able to access and manage MC using Firefox - really straight forward. Using smb I was able to back up to a new share.








The CPU is very weak so if the service isn’t used by me, I turn it off.  I have no idea if that Mac backup setting helps with that time machine app.

I would use rsync for backups.  Yes, subsequent backups via rsync or similar should be very fast.

AFAIK, you can’t even disable auto firmware checks regardless of settings.  If you are worried about security, encrypt what you put on it or segregate it from internet traffic through vlan or your router.

Linux (ubuntu) + NFS still working perfectly for me.

1 Like

Thanks for your informative reply BC1111 … for the benefit of our community I responded in red

The CPU is very weak so if the service isn’t used by me, I turn it off.  I have no idea if that Mac backup setting helps with that time machine app. I have setup TimeMachine on my wife’s MacBookPro; 1st backup via ethernet ~40 minutes, subsequent backups done automatically via wifi ~ 7 minutes

I would use rsync for backups.  Yes, subsequent backups via rsync or similar should be very fast. I’ll look into rsync from my Ubuntu machines – leaving a working solution alone for my wife!

AFAIK, you can’t even disable auto firmware checks regardless of settings.  If you are worried about security, encrypt what you put on it or segregate it from internet traffic through vlan or your router. I too have some serious concerns with what WD did on My Cloud installation and maintenance. I have evidence obtained from my firewall / router that port forwarding rules were added on installation and changed by MC. I think WD has ignored the privacy and security of individuals in their effort to just have it work.

Linux (ubuntu) + NFS still working perfectly for me. I also use Ubuntu on 2 machines. I’d like to use ,IMO, the faster NFS, but I have less than 1 weeks experience with WD MC and really didn’t want to hack it.

PJPfeiffer wrote:

Thanks for your informative reply BC1111 … for the benefit of our community I responded in red


The CPU is very weak so if the service isn’t used by me, I turn it off.  I have no idea if that Mac backup setting helps with that time machine app. I have setup TimeMachine on my wife’s MacBookPro; 1st backup via ethernet ~40 minutes, subsequent backups done automatically via wifi ~ 7 minutes


I would use rsync for backups.  Yes, subsequent backups via rsync or similar should be very fast. I’ll look into rsync from my Ubuntu machines – leaving a working solution alone for my wife!


AFAIK, you can’t even disable auto firmware checks regardless of settings.  If you are worried about security, encrypt what you put on it or segregate it from internet traffic through vlan or your router. I too have some serious concerns with what WD did on My Cloud installation and maintenance. I have evidence obtained from my firewall / router that port forwarding rules were added on installation and changed by MC. I think WD has ignored the privacy and security of individuals in their effort to just have it work.


Linux (ubuntu) + NFS still working perfectly for me. I also use Ubuntu on 2 machines. I’d like to use ,IMO, the faster NFS, but I have less than 1 weeks experience with WD MC and really didn’t want to hack it.


Going to have to “hack it” to kill those two worthless services thumbing/indexing files.  But if you feel uncomfortable with SSH, don’t do it.