No FTP access with another account (except admin)


I hope nobody asked this already but I got a problem to get access via ftp. It works fine with the admin account but every other user doesn’t work. I tried restarting the cloud and also looked the userlist up.

Best regards

FTP access needs to be manually turned on for additional users, and they must have a dedicated Password.


thanks for your answer. Well the FTP option is ofc enabled and it works with the admin account but not with any other user. The user got a password but I always get the message “login incorrect” on Filezilla or Windows explorer. Since I can just access the dashboard as admin I don’t really know how to enable this option for specific users. For other users a restart helped but for me kinda not. Maybe I am doing something wrong but so far I can’t figure it out :confused:

Best regards

There’s should be no other additional setup required for FTP other than enabling FTP from the WD Dashboard.

Were there any changes to your wdmycloud such as installing 3rd party apps?

Try testing with a new user, create a simple user i.e. test, password test, then try login via FTP using this test account. Remember to delete afterwards.

Else please share your /etc/vsftpd.conf setups.

Ok, I created a new user and it is working fine. The user before was called “ftp” just for testing and this one doesn’t work, Every other user (e.g. test) is working fine so I guess I can’t use the name or there was just an creating error.

Anyway thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Arh ic, FYI “ftp” is an internal daemon account pre-created. We can’t login with those:

nazar@TeaNazaR4TB:~$ cat /etc/passwd|grep ftp
ftp:x:103:106:ftp daemon,,,:/srv/ftp:/bin/false