Login to MyCloud Dashboard from Outside the Network

mikecole79 wrote:

Find your external IP.  whatismyip.org works well for this.  Generally, dynamic IP’s don’t change all that frequently, so you’re probably good for a long while.  


Now, if you have Linux or Mac on the computer you’re trying to use to access the device from outside you’re network, you’re fine.  If you’re a Windows person, you’ll need to install Cygwin, specifically ssh-client, in order to do this.  


  1. Configure your MyCloud device to allow SSH access by following the instructions in the dashboard/manual.
  2. Open a terminal (Mac or Linux) or a Cygwin window in Windows.  
  3. Type (without the quotes) “ssh -D 1234 root@<your.external.IP.here>”
  4. Now configure your browser to use a Socks V5 proxy.  This can be easily done in Chrome by using Falcon Proxy.  Set it up with the host and port 1234.  Leave other settings default. 
  5. Turn on the above mentioned proxy.  
  6. Now, type your INTERNAL IP address (the address that you access the device at on your local network, something like 10.0.0.x or 192.168.x.x) into the browser window.  
  7. Profit.  

What you’re doing is connecting to your device using the external IP address via the SSH protocol.  the -D 1234 tells it to open port 1234 to pass through traffic.  By creating the SocksV5 proxy and setting your browser to use that, you’re directing all traffic through the port you just opened, which means that all internet traffic from that browser will now be going to your MyCloud device, then out to the internet from there.  This allows you to access the MyCloud directly as if you were sitting in front of it at your computer connected to the same network.  


Hope that helps a person or 5.  

You missed the port forwarding (-: Unless of course the router is on DMZ mode.

Another almost similar but simpler method is tunneling, which after setting up correctly, Dashboard can be accessed externally with just one click of a shortcut on both PC and mobile.


  • Enable SSH on WDMyCloud (after login change the root password or get hacked within hours you expose your nas to the net! e.g. type: passwd). If you’re an advanced user and not worried about WD warranty getting voided, you can setup password-less DSA/RSA key logins, allow others but disallow root logins or root with key-only logins etc².

  • Setup port forwarding on your router with internal port 22, external port 2222 for device wdmycloud. This is such that you will connect from external network with utilities below using my.external.ddnshostname.com:2222.

  • There’s few utilities for tunneling but the objective is the same if you understand the concept. PC? Use putty or cygwin. Android? Use ConnectBot or relevant. Others? Search the market.

  • Depending on your platform, you can create shortcuts to automatically connect to WDMyCloud externally and launch the Dashboard like screenshots below: