[GUIDE] Restoring your UI


Before we being, below are the standard warning and important notes from WDC.  You are responsible for your own

actions, not me :wink:

Important Note: We have seen some users report that installing 3rd party applications through “apt-get” causes the WDMyCloud device to not function correctly.   For more information on this, we suggest users read the “Instructions to rebuild a Debian package” section of the WD-Readme.txt located within our GPL source package that can be downloaded here:


As a reminder, the following message is communicated to users when using SSH to access their WDMyCloud device:

Please note that modifying or attempting to modify this device outside the normal operation of the product voids your WD warranty.


1. Download the UI code from the link below to your MyCloud  Public folder

    Link to download UI code

2. SSH into your MyCloud using your favourite client (Putty.exe works great for me)

3. From the Linux shell, enter the following commands.

    cd /

    tar zxfv /nsf/Public/WD_UI.tgz

    service apache2 restart

WDMyCloud:/# service apache2 restart
30931 (process ID) old priority 0, new priority 0
[ok] Restarting web server: apache2 ... waiting .

4. If the above steps are completed with [ok], open your browser to http://wdmycloud/UI/

5. If the above steps fail, call your friendly WDC level 2 support :stuck_out_tongue:







Thank you for creating this guide. hope it helps other users. As a reminder: Please note that modifying or attempting to modify this device outside the normal operation of the product voids your WD warranty.

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