Be careful public folder & photos

In favour of WD, I like that for FTP they have used VSFTP. A small Ftp deamon, but it’s been written with security in mind from day zero. I’ve tested this and for over a year the FTP service being open to the Internet, no-oner has managed to compromise it. With WD2GO I use the Relay Connection method so the NAS is not directly explosed to the Internet.

Also, when the HeartBleedbug appeared WD were very quick off the mark to release an update to the openssl library. Older NASs don’t need the update as older versions of openssl don’t have the Heart Bleedbug.

The problem is market forces. I feel the development teams have stupid unrealistic deadlines thrust at them and they get the flack.

There is one thing that WD so which I think all the other NAS providers don’t do and that is to give direct access to the NAS’s back end and I love that feature. I get to put in the settings that I desire. One of which is to lock-down the Public share at the kernel level.

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