4 My Cloud Devices. All stop responding

I have updated to the latest firmware by the web interface and ssh.

1 is 3 TB, 3 are 4TB all at different client sites

As soon as I get more than 1 machine backing up the drive slows down to a crawl and is totally unusable

Even after the backups complete , the drive stops responding/responds EXTREMELY slow and is completely unusable.

I take the drive(s) offsite where no machines are trying to backup and I can access it, but still no wheres near fast as they should be.

Maximum number of machines backing up to 1 drive is 3.

Disabled Power save

Disabled All media servers

Disabled Cloud services (must stay disabled, no external access allowed)

Set time server to time.nist.gov

I have used many of the old MyBook Live drives in identical circumstances without any issues.

I appear to be experiencing all the problems that the new firmware is supposed to correct. Read above, I have updated firmware, automatically, manually and via ssh. Same results.

Based on the searches I’ve done MANY people are having issues with these drives.

Need a fix ASAP or I will be forced to switch to another manufacturer.

Factory reset also has no effect.


Also cannot restore ANY Safepoint via USB or network on any of these drives. Not a big issue, but also an issue.

did you disable the photo processes? this is done from SSH as below

/etc/init.d/wdmcserverd stop
/etc/init.d/wdphotodbmergerd stop

update-rc.d wdphotodbmergerd disable
update-rc.d wdmcserverd disable

Seems to be the fix
