WD MyCloud No Longer Accessible

I’m having the same problem as well and I’ve included a screenshot.

I’m using the MyCloud app to access my WD EX4 and I get this message frequently.  I thought maybe in standby mode this might happen, so after waiting like 30 seconds or so for the drives to spin and come out of standby mode I tried again with same result. I wish there was more specific user defined control options for setting the amount of time before the EX4 goes into standby mode but despite the greater control, the unit should begin going online and out of standby mode the moment you attempt to access your files remotely.  In a remote location we have no ability to reset the device, that’s the purpose of having remote cloud access in the first place. As suggested previously to reset the device, that is not an actual fix to the device as this doesn’t happen every time and works fine on occasion without requiring a reset. Therefore reset is not an adequate solution to suggest. It’s obvious this is a widespread issue based on the many threads and posts related to this issue.  Please WD, help us figure out what is causing this so we can access our cloud at our leisure and not when our cloud decides to finally grant us access. 

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