Memory usage for iOS mobile app

I had copies of all my videos taken on my phone and copied them to the myCloud storage
using my windows pc.

I installed the My Cloud app on my iPhone 6 and on my iPad Air 2.
When I open the app, I see all the thumbnails of all the videos.

But when I look at the memory usage of the My cloud app, it is at 22Gb,
Which is about the size of all the videos! I can understand if I selected
and downloaded all of the files. But why is the app taking up all that
memory? I tried to select and download and see the thumbnail gets
marked with a little download arrow.

Am I not understanding something? Are all these videos downloaded
Even if not marked. I assume if I delete it on the phone, it will also
delete it from the my cloud drive too. I wouldn’t think that the thumbnails
are taking up that much memory

If I go to the downloads tab on the menu, there is nothing there. So why is the app taking up 22gb?

Also not sure what’s the difference between the shared and the folder with my name? Is the public accessible by anyone on the net or something?

Thanks for the help.

Update: I tried setting the cache to 1gb and clearing the cache. I delete the app and reinstall and it goes down to 30Mb!
Appears there’s some serious memory leak in this app! And I only installed it last week or so.

So I’m not understanding how your app started using 22Gb just by browsing your shares.   Downloading an actual 22Gb of content would have taken probably close to an hour.

But what I can tell you is that, even if you DELETE stuff that’s downloaded, it does NOT free up the memory.

As you’ve seen, you have to select Clear Cache from the app, which also deletes EVERYTHING from the cache, even files you want to keep downloaded.

It’s one of the most annoying bugs, it’s been reported numerous times by myself and others, and has been around for a LONG time.

But to answer your specific questions, no, nothing is downloaded unless requested.

If you delete it from the DOWNLOADS section of the app, then no, it’s NOT deleted from the cloud.  

Yeah, I’m not sure what to tell you. I was doing a restore on my iPad and it said I didn’t have enough memory.
Then I went into settings usage and saw that my cloud was at 22gb. And then I looked on my phone and saw a similar size. I hadn’t even done a download yet, just browsing the videos vi the thumbnails. But I definitely didn’t do that many of them… Also most of the tine I tried to do uploading was from the iPhone. I know I tried to select all videos on he phone and the app would get stuck. So maybe it tried to allocate all the memory to hold the videos while it tried to upload them yo the cloud?
And the memory never got released until I uninstalled. Just killing the app doesn’t seem to free the memory.

So I can maybe explain how this happened on the iPhone but not on the iPad where I only did a little browsing.

Looks like this app isn’t my solution to reducing storage space for my photos and videos.