WDSync limitations


I have test the new WDSync Software and…error for the first sync : “impossible to sync : filename ended by a space character” (translate is mine).

Then others errors because of a “/” in the name of another file. 

Why this limitation ??? And I can’t correct the file, I don’t know which file is it in the 40 000 files I have.

And why stopping the whole sync because of one error ?

Could you correct the software to be able to copy all files ? This software is useless for me at this time. 


Curious - Did it not give you a better explanation?  i.e. “File C:\Data\Folder1\Folder2\Filename .txt has a space and cannot be copied.”

Maybe there is a log file that you can see?  If not, can we add a log feature to the WDSync software?

It’s a known limitation by devs. 

The “é è ê à” characters doesn’t work too. In french, it’s difficult to not use them !