WDSync - Allow it to use any share of which the logged in user has access

This can work… if you follow the following steps instead of the ones listed above:

  1. Log into local WD Cloud device (e.g. DL4100) and create a new share, for this purpose, I shall name it “Marketing” for kicks.
  2. Modify the Marketing share to allow Alex and Billy Read / Write access.
  3. Go to Alex’s machine and bring up WDSync Settings. 
  4. Remove the Sync Device (e.g. WDMyCloudDL4100) which will remove all your shares
  5. Re-establish all your shares
  6. Create a folder called “All Share Marketing” on lex’s machine.
  7. Drag this folder into the Sync folders screen of WD Sync.
  8. Choose “Marketing” from the list of shares.
  9. Done

So I think all that is needed is to make sure that the WDSync program can update the available folder list without having to logout and re-create your shares.  Could be an easy cache clear and update fix? 
