How Can I change default Locale setting of My Book World Ediion?

I and my companions use a “My Book World Edition I (White)” in my office , as a Network shared drive.

It is Not a backup device. it is a shared upload server.

Yes. we need backup My Book world’s data in another device. (backup device is Win 2003 server.)

So, we choose “cobian backup 10” as a backup solution.

And, we connect  “My Book World” and backup device by FTP in cobian backup setting.

But, we are KOREAN.  so, window 2003 server use Korean Language. (Its code page  is CP949).

My Book World … use … UTF-8.

So, Cobian backup , installed in Win 2003 server, can not recognize UTF-8 characters of the My Book World.

Cobian recognize 2byte characters’ folder name like this “??? ??? ???”.

Of course we checked UTF-8 in corbian backup setting.

Is there any solution to solve this problem ? 

Can change My Book World’s default locale into other Locale setting ?  (command like “locale-gen” in Linux)

Not sure if you can do this by SSH.  I suggest you to contact Cobian Support to see if there is a workaround to force it to recognize UTF-8 characters.