If you need to extend you HD warranty don't call WD support

I just bought a new internal 1TB hard drive from Bestbuy.  The box and the warranty information included in the box said it had a 5 year warranty.  When I got home with the drive, I ran WD’s warranty checker and it came back showing a 3 year warranty.  I called WD support to find out what to do.  They were busy and called me back the next day.  No big deal.  The technician said to send them my proof of purchase receipt and a scanned image of the box showing it said the warranty was for 5 years.  I asked him if I should register the HD drive before or after the warranty is updated.  He said it didn’t matter.  He told me to email the information to support@wdc.com.  After sending the email I received a response from WD saying they could not accept my email, but to use the email web form (link included) and not respond back to their email. 

I went to the email web form, but it didn’t seem at first to be the right solution for my situation.  I called WD tech support again.  This time I was told to send my proof of purchase receipt and a scanned image of the HD label to the same above address.  I questioned the technician about sending the information to an address which already told me it couldn’t accept my email. He didn’t seem to understand my question and repeated what he already told me.  I then asked him if I should us the email web form.  Again, he didn’t seem to understand my question or know what I was talking about. 

I decided to do a search and found what I hope is the right answer.  You first register your HD and if WD doesn’t automatically update your warranty, you send them an email at this link: http://wdc.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/wdc.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php.  This is WD’s support email web form.  Here you can attach your sales receipt in a .jpeg format.   To see these instructions, click on your warrant date from the warranty checker page and this information will pop up in a separate box.

I hope this helps others. Sadly to say that WD has wasted our money on their tech support company. 

Sorry for your confusion.  We will look into this.

I investigated this for you and made sure that our support updated the warranty.