RocketScience wrote:

I also recently purchased a N900 based on the hardware features and the associated software apps.  This replaced a Belkin N750 that didn’t have all the features that their older routrer had that I really needed. I have also experienced a vast array of issues with the N900 to put me in the same viewpoint as yourself.  However, after much diligence, I am in contact with WD’s Level 2 support, just received a replacement router, and will work on many of the issues that I and many others have experienced. I have held  positions in advanced automation technical support and am willing to work in depth with WD to help resolve these problems as I do think the hardware has great potential over much of the competition. I can’t say how long it will take, but as long as we can determine the issue, provide temporary work arounds and get a committment from WD to resolve any found issues in a timely manner, then we will all end up with a better product.  In the mean time, it just takes patience.

@RocketScience: You’ve got a positive outlook, that’s for sure. I’d be a little more positive except that I can’t help thinking that WD rushed this router to the market without adequate testing, and now we’re all paying $175 for the privilege of testing a dodgy product, plus return shipping charges when we have to send a unit back to the factory.