Update twonkyserver


after installing the version 7, my Samsung Smart TV disconnects constantly.

I did downgrade to version 6.0.39 (back to the passages) and everything has returned to work.

If you can help someone, here are the steps I did:

login ssh (ssh root@youripaddress - password: welc0me)

/etc/init.d/twonky stop

cd /usr/local/twonkymedia-5

wget http://www.twonkyforum.com/downloads/6.0.39/twonkymedia-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-6.0.39.zip

unzip twonkymedia-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-6.0.39.zip (overwrite all)

mv /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh.old /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh

mv /etc/init.d/twonky.old /etc/init.d/twonky
