Update twonkyserver


Link to download Twonky 7 archive:  Twonky 7.0.5 Special for PowerPC architecture

I installed Twonky 7 using manual from  MBL Wiki Forum

  1. Connect to ssh using your MBL IP(login: root, password: welc0me)

  2. Stop Twonky:

/etc/init.d/twonky stop

  1. Create Twonky 7 directory:

mkdir /usr/local/twonky

  1. Go in it :

cd /usr/local/twonky

  1. Download actual version:

wget http://www.twonkyforum.com/downloads/7.0.5-Special/twonky-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-special-7.0.5.zip

  1. Unzip it:

unzip twonky-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-special-7.0.5.zip

  1. Create directory use by twonky to store temp files:

mkdir /var/twonky

  1. Make executable for starting twonky

chmod a+x twonky.sh

  1. start twonky

./twonky.sh start

At this time you should have Twonky 7 working, go to http://yourip:9000 and change what you need (change share folder, client, language, enter your key if you have, etc…).

If you reboot your My Book, older twonky version start.

If all is working (make test before this step):

  1. Change WD script to avoid the changement of Twonky parameters (share change to /) everytime you reboot :

mv /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh.old

  1. Backup old Twonky startup

mv /etc/init.d/twonky /etc/init.d/twonky.old

  1. Make twonky.old nonexecutable:

chmod a-x twonky.old

  1. Copy new startup

cp /usr/local/twonky/twonky.sh /etc/init.d/twonky

That’s all !

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