Update twonkyserver

The instruction provided by handyhand are best and most comprehensive. I am just repeating them with a tiny addition and with updated link to TWONKY. P.S. I am using 6.0.37 and all my problems are gone except generation of thumbnails.

  1. In your web browser go to your WD My Book Live Local Network Interface at: YOUR MYBOOK LIVE IP ADDRESS/UI (ie: Http://192.168.0.xxx/UI))

  2. Go to “Settings”

  3. Go to “Utilities”

  4. Go to “Import/Export Current Configuration”, then click “Save Config File”.

  5. Open saved file with a text editor ie: notepad.

  6. In the text file look for "ssh_enable=“disabled” and change to "ssh_enable=“enabled” and save.

  7. Go back to the Import/Export Current Configuration and import the file you just edited. This now enables SSH on your drive for the Putty program to work.

  8. To to Setting->Media and turn off TWONKY Service (uncheck enable)

  9. Download free Putty SSH software at: Http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html

  10. Enter the My Book Live IP address (ie:192.168.0.xxx) in the Host Name box in Putty.

  11. The username is: root password is: welc0me (the O in welcome is the number ZERO)

  12. Just copy and paste the following commands in the terminal:

cd /usr/local/
mv twonkymedia-5 twonky5old
mkdir twonkymedia-5
cd twonkymedia-5
wget Http://www.twonkyforum.com/downloads/6.0.37/twonkymedia-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-6.0.37.zip
unzip twonkymedia-powerpc-glibc-2.2.5-6.0.37.zip
mv /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh /usr/local/sbin/writeTwonkyContentDir.sh.old

  1. After reboot enable the TWONKY service from Settings->Media. You can also confining twenty with LIVE IP ADDRESS:9000 i.e… Http://192.168.0.xxx:9000/

  2. If you have a license then put it there to register the 30 day trial version. I can verify that V serial works.

  3. Enjoy !

To WD staffs here, while I do understand that releasing a new firmware with a new software version is actually quite a task, considering that we expect a product to work out of the box and not come with a faulty or crippled software, WD should have tallest released a BETA firmware for the people having problem with TWONKY.