Unable to see shares in WDMyCloud app on ipad

i tried all basic stuff, but don’t find the issue.

WDPhotos works perfect on my iPad. Also WDMyCloud and WD Photos works perfect on my android phone too.

so everything I guess on the MBL side should be ok,

for some reason, the ipad WDMyCloud does’t popup the shares…it shows all users to connect but after that, empty screen.

any ideas ?



Do you encounter this issue over WiFI, mobile data, or both? And have you tried removing permissions for the WD My Cloud application in your WD My Book Live unit, uninstalling the application, restarting your Apple-branded mobile device, and proceeding to install and re-create the permissions once more?

Have only Wifi on my iPad
What do you mean with “removing permissions” ?


By “removing permissions” I mean deleting the previous access settings for your iPad from within the Dashboard configuration page of your WD My Book Live unit.

Also, even though your iPad may not have a data plan, if your phone does and it has an option for Wifi broadcasts, then it would force your iPad to connected with your phone’s data plan for testing. This option is present in most modern Android phones.