Rsync backup w/o Safepoint

Here’s my solution:

  1. mkdir /media/Mybackup

  2. create shell script to run in cron:

  • mount.cifs //IPaddr_of_USB/Sharename/folder_on_USB /media/Mybackup -o pass=ROOTPASSWORD
  • sleep 6
  • cp /dev/null /root/backup.log
  • sleep 2
  • rsync -rtDvH --delete --log-file /root/backup.log --exclude-from /etc/nas/NSPT/exclude.txt /shares/ /media/Mybackup/folder_on_USB >/dev/null
  • sleep 6
  • umount /media/Mybackup

This is SO MUCH faster than the Safepoint function.

There’s also a way to send an email alert when done. Its more complicated but if interested I can post.