Copying file

From windows 7 “my Computer” I can see MBL. When I open it I can see all directories.

When i want to copy file from one directory on MBL to another it is very very slow.

When I log in MBL using ssh copying file from one directory to another is almost instant.

Can someone try to explain why this is the case please.


when you use wifi connection to copy files from your computer to mbl, the speed is limited by wifi adapter or wifi router . for recent models, laptop equipped with a 150Mbps wifi adapter (802.11n) usually, two years ago it was 54Mbps (802.11g).  54Mbps equal to less than 7M bytes/s in theory, but in reality, consider with factors like signal indensity, multiple devices working in the same band (2.4G Hz), normally the speed is around 1.8M bytes/s.

when you copy files between folders in mbl, the speed is the hard drive read/write speed. it can easilly reach 80M bytes/s.

But this is not copying from mbl to mbl.
I use windows 7 i go my network and there i can see directories on mbl
When i right click and copy file and then try to paste it into different directory on mbl what am i actually doing? Am i copying from laptop to mbl or mbl to mbl?

The file is tranfering to your computer and then from your computer back to the new destination on the MyBookLive

If you want to moves files within the same share you are better off using cut and paste