Viewing cover art and media details

I recently bought a second WDLive and a MyBookLive, so i could share content between viewing areas. The original MyBook I have simply needed the folders dropped in and I was able to see all the details (cover art, genre, summary, etc) when scrolling. In moving the folders over to the new network drive, all I get is the folder view. I’m converting all my content over and need to experience the details i got from the local drive, what am I doing wrong?

If it’s helpful…

Windows 8 Pro


MY Book Live

WD Live


Are you using DLNA or Windows share to access the files?

Windows share I believe…I’m assuming the other would offer different/better results?

cnresch wrote:

Windows share I believe…

I’d bet not.  I’ll bet you’re using Media Server now, and were using Network Share before.