Slowww Trqansfer Speeds

I have a 1gb LAN, computer is hardwired to router (as is the MBL).  Transfer speed is only 5.6 mb/sec.  What’s up with this? I should be geting much better.  Any help?

Win 7 16 bit

(telling me 3 hours for 60 gb)  windows copy

Sorry, I only have a 100mb LAN, not 1 gb.  What transfer speeds should I expect?  I’ve tried to research this and keep seeing WebDAV, but the links to the threads don’t work.  I don’t know what WebDAV is, or if it can help.

If you have only a 100m LAN, the most you’ll ever get is 11 MB (megabytes) per second.

You need to be careful with abbreviations.  In your OP, you said you’re only getting 5.6mb/s.  Is that 5.6 megaBITS per second, or megaBYTES per second?

And are all devices WIRED, or is your PC wireless?

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100 mb/s ethernet is what I have on one of my computers.  Didn’t know it until I tried to dowload 50 GB of stuff.  100mb/s = 12.5 MB/s.  Actually the whole divide by 1024 or 1000 and other nomenclature, I’m sure I’m wrong because I always have to look it up and M$oft shows MB/s in the transfer speeds, so this is close enough: just divide by 8 for this level of conversation. 12.5 MB/s is the theoretical limit.  20% overhead, plus duplex settings and M$ overhead = 5-6 MB/s, which is all you will be able to get.