Safepoint on windows 7 computer


I have Mybook live and want to make its safepoint in windows 7 home premium computer. When I click Create and Discover, my computer is find, but when I click on it, it asks me for username and password. Problem Is that I have no Username and pasword set .

Any suggestions?

What happens if you provide just a random ID and password?

It accepts random username and pasword. But nothing happens. I can not see my shared folder on that computer to which I would like so save my save point.

I believe that to do a safepoint to a windows Share, we require a valid user name and password. You will need to create a folder, assign a user that has a user name and password, then create the safepoint to that folder.

Today I set up username and pasword for file sharing and still have the same problem. From other computer I can acess thise shared folders vith username and pasword without problems.

Any other suggestions?

When you discover the Windows computer through the Safepoint interface on the My Book Live. Do you see the share reported? If you do, do you get a dialog box to enter user name/password?

When I click on computer, interface asks for username and password. But then, I can not see any shares reported. If i input some random username/pasword there is no error and no shares.

I tried to clean all browser history and restarted MBL with no sucess.

You need to make sure that sharing is turned on for the drive. In Windows 7, you would right click on your hard drive icon (say Drive C),  click on properties, then sharing - make sure Network File and Folder sharing is turned on.

Added whole drive C under share. Still no success. Any other ideas?

Doesnt seem to work for me either i enter a the user name and password then nothing happens?

Did anyone get a resolution? I am having the same probs… :angry:

No resolution here.  I contaced WD months ago about this and they wouldn’t acknowlege there’s a problem.  I tried adjusting a bunch of local security settings and nothing worked.   

I change my OS’s often for testing and I can confirm that Vista, Win2k3, Win2k8, Xp do not have this problem.  Whatever I do I can’t get it to work in Windows 7.  I just tried Win8 for giggles, but unfortunately it seems the problem carried over to the newer OS.

If someone has got this working on Windows 7, please post here.  Thanks!

I got it working on Windows 7.  At the moment, I can only think MS Live Essentials is the issue as I’ve seen some posts indicating to not have it installed.  My Win7 images have Windows Live Services installed so instead I tried  with a fresh Win7 install and my WD Live was able to see my Win7 shares.

So if anyone is having trouble, try uninstalling Live.  I haven’t tried Safepoints after an uninstall of Live, but just from a Win7 reimage so hopefully MS uninstaller does it’s job and doesn’t leave anything behind.