New Release - My Book Live Firmware Version 2.42.02-012 (4/17/13)

theenoid wrote:> I’ll know better and just buy a USB 2.0 External HD and plug it straight in to my router. ( Better yet, wait for a router supporting USB 3.0, and get a HD to match…but never again get a myBookLive! )


That would not be a good move in my experience. I used a USB drive connected to my Netgear router before buying my MBL and to be honest I had a lot of problems. It was only a 500Gb drive but so slow and it would never index all the music files and video files on the drive. Tried other drives with it but with limited success, slow and clumsy and frustrating. That’s why I bought a 2Tb MBL and yes it has its idiosyncrasies but it serves up my media via DNLA without too much hassle so whilst neither solution is 100% the MBL works better for me.
