New Release - Firmware Version 2.10.12-129 for My Book Live (3/14/12)

oh - and streaming 1080p videos lag significantly whereas before v129 of the firware (v124) there was no problems

edit: thanks for the file location - will try

edit2: yes after updating the file the WEBUI is fast again; thanks!!!

edit3: yes, I can stream to my iphone again - looks like this was the problem with the GUI/streaming lag problem.

I still wouldn’t recommend the update using the webGUI, if you really want to update then download the update file and update manually

for those needing help with editing the file, I used a portable version of winscp; logging into the device via the IP address with usename: root    password:welc0me

the navigate to the file location and copy it to your desktop, use notepad to edit it, then copy it back (overwriting it)

the file worked instantly :)   (no reboot required)