New Release - Firmware Version 2.10.12-129 for My Book Live (3/14/12)

Another update…

The Dashboard did eventually come up, and I picked the Settings option.  It took 3 minutes and 15 seconds for it to load.  I was able to pick from the options on that menu, like “Updates,” etc, pretty normally.  It actually seemed pretty normal for a while.  I even ran the short diagnostic and it took the 2 minutes it said it would, and gave a passing grade.

I got bumped out, somehow back to the main screen and taking the “Shares” menu again, it took a bit over 4 minutes to load, but it did load.

So it is behaving better, but still slow.  Could there be some sort of background processs, like re-indexing, or something of the sort that is preventing the UI from behaving normally?  And if so, will things get better as that process approaches completion?

The fact that the UI system still works, albeit slowly, indicates that there are no missing files. 

I’m going to let it run for a day or so and see if things approach “more normal.”  I still want to confirm that it’s sleeping like it’s supposed to.

the HumpMan