Need to recover deleted files

I am trying to find out if a certain excel file that I stored on my MBL was accidentally deleted. I tried running “Pandora Recovery” but it could not access networked drives. Any suggestions?

I think you would need to remove the drive from the enclosure to recover the file but keep in mind you would void your warranty. If there is a program that can do this over a network, I don’t know about it.

I understand that it is almost impossible to do. Maybe that is not the issue with me, I don’t know. What I do know is that I had an excel file on my network drive (MBL) that I had accessed periodically and saved each time that I made changes to it. Now, though, the latest modification date shown for this file is 1/17/13. I don’t know what happened to the latest modifications that I made in the last few weeks. I am trying to figure this out. I have searched all of the hard drives on my PC. Any other excel file with part of the same name dates back to 2012. My thought was that maybe I somehow accidentally deleted the file, but, I can’t be sure because it was on my MBL and it does not have a recycle bin. But, this does not change the fact that I may have lost the file. Even if I did remove the drive from the enclosure, how would I still be able to access any deleted files? Would I just turn it into an external drive and let Windows try to access it? Is there any type of DOS program that I could use with a command prompt and find it that way?

Strange indeed… Chances are you wouldn’t be able to recover it anyways as any new data you have written to the drive since then has probably written over those sectors. You could try to recover it with R-Linux and if it is still there and you deleted it, it will show up as a dimmed file with an icon with an X next to it (if I remember correctly) then you could right click the file and select recover and write it to your computers hard drive. Best of luck