My Book Live 2TB Very slow

I’ve been having issues a well. I purchased this from Costco 7 days ago an it’s still doing the initial backup (670GB).

A Few things to note:

  • I’m running a Mac OS (Leopard).

  • My router is an Apple Extreme Base Station

  • My network is running over cat 6. 

  • I’m running my backup using Time Machine (but I’m willing to change that if that’s the problem). 

  • I had a previous WD LIVE (2TB white one) that worked extremely fast but it stopped working altogether, I thought I was safe with another WD but I’m starting to question that.

  • I’ve got the latest firmware

  • it works sporadically i.e. 8GB in 5-10min and then 20kb in the following 2hours .

I really don’t want to return the drive but this is getting stupid.
