MB Live - Unable to transfer files

So I’ve recently encountered this problem, displayed below.

Furthermore, the issue is that this window appears even while relocating adjacent files inside the MB Live drive itself.

There is no small shortage of frustration due to the fact that whenever I decide to continue beyond this window, I have to force Windows Explorer to restart/shutdown (closing all Explorer windows I had open previously) because it stops responding.

I am still able to transfer files FROM my computer’s local drive TO the MB Live hard disk drive, but not vice-versa. Because of this, it has basically become almost useless.

I have never encountered this problem before. Any tips for making things simple again?

You’ve blacked out all the info that tells how you’ve connected to the share.

That might be related to a WebDAV issue.

Try browsing the WebDAV FAQ to see if that applies.


Welp. It seems I have come to a roadblock: I wanted to give it a go using the walkthrough provided in that thread but it seems I can’t even confirm step 1. I know what most of those terms mean but I am ignorant in troubleshooting network problems such as this. I wish my drive had a USB adapter to transfer my work :neutral_face:

If Step 1 in that guide is empty, that means you’ve not mapped the Share to a drive letter.

Do that first, and then try your copies again.

Right. So I mapped my drive and gave it a letter, yes? According to Command Prompt, I ran “net use” again and it displayed under Network “Microsoft Windows Network”. This, however, still did not solve the issue from my first post.

Suddenly, I decided to do something different:

My Anti-virus .exe in Task Manager is running abnormal. It seems to increase in Memory (Private Working Set) about 4 times normal, over 300 K. My PC doesn’t like this very much while browsing, too, it seems.

While trying to transfer a file TO my local drive FROM MyBook Live once again, I decided to close my anti-virus entirely and I can finally use MyBook Live perfectly!! My files transfer a bit quicker now at about 2.70 MB/sec. Why in the world is my anti-virus doing this? It has never caused me such unique problems before.