How do you back up through the internet access?

I am frustrated as I cannot access the MBL through the network. I cannot update to current firmware because I haven’t backed up my files recently. My only access is through the internet and android which both does not allow me to copy the folders. I have at least 805 folders containing not less than 11,000 files to back up.

Any suggestion that I can understand?

The My book live, does not have a backup service that works over the internet.

If you have access over the internet, you should be able to access the files locally and you should be able to backup your files manually or using a backup app.

Have you tried resetting the unit or mapping the shares again?

Correct, network is all, home and internet.

But still makes no sense due to… as specified earlier…

if you can’t access it on LAN (Local Area Network) vs WAN (Wide Area network aka Internet), well, something is fishy.

For the MBL to connect to WAN, has to connect to LAN first. So it is connected to LAN and you should be able to access it. 

I copied and paste the folders and files from 10pm to 5am tearfully!! I need to find something else! Probably theres a personal cloud that you can also access through USB in case all else fails like now! So frustrated but happy now. I was able to update the firmware and my files are back in the network… Wheeew!! I don’t think I can trust MBL considering I have only used 32GB out of the 1000GB.

Correct, never trust ANY hardware!!! Regardless of brand…

Solution: Have proper backups.

Here is some light reading: